As “they” say… out with the old, in with the new!

Who are “they” anyway? This time of year for senior photographers, we are saying goodbye to our 2018 Seniors and welcoming our 2019 seniors. It’s one of those bittersweet moments in my industry. I have watched my 2018 seniors grow from excited but nervous Juniors into these confident young men and women. I’m so proud of the young adults they are all becoming. As they head into their last week of high school,  many emotions begin to surface. One HUGE emotion, seniors often refer to as “senioritis” but parents would more affectionately call it “attitude”is often at the forefront.  Even the most well adjusted seniors experience senioritis to some degree.

A word to parents with graduating seniors… this last week of school might bring out the “attitude” in your precious teenager, but keep in mind, that you were once a senior. If you can look past the shortness of temper and the lack of motivation for school work and chores and anything else that would be classified as productive… you might notice an excited yet nervous child.  We expect these kids to be grown ups by the time they graduate from high school, but really they are thrown into a huge world of decision making and independence.  This world is scary.  And although they think they are ready, and they probably are, there is still fear of the unknown.  Be a little forgiving and compassionate during this transition time. After all, we DO want them to come home to visit.

A word to seniors about your parents… Although you are REALLY excited to be graduating, keep in mind that your parents may feel like time has passed them by.  Parents have SO much to teach you before you take off on your own, their heads are spinning wondering how you were in Kindergarten yesterday and are graduating today! I’m serious when I say, you WILL understand their point of view when you have kids of your own.  But until then, please  be patient with them.  They have been and are still your biggest supporter. They have been here for you since birth and they will continue to be here for you as you shove off into the big world ahead of you. I challenge you to take a few minutes of each day this week to thank your parents for something they have done for you and to tell them you love them. You might be surprised how just these two little/huge things will change your life.

I know I am JUST your senior photographer, but I’m SO proud of ALL of my 2018 seniors!!! Go out into this HUGE world and make a difference.  My generation is counting on you! And… please stay in touch.

Are you a 2019 senior? If you love senior portraits as much as I do, then I’m ready to meet you! Click here to sign up to receive our 7 tips on how to prepare for your senior portrait session.